Los Angles cannabis licensing system has reportedly gone off the rails since allegations of corruption. They allegation originates from the lack of social equity retail permits issued last fall. Cat Packer; executive director of the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation in an interview for Marijuana Business Daily reported that she hopes to get the cannabis retail program back on track. she wants to start by “overhauling both the licensing and social equity programs”. In mid-June, Packer sent a series of recommendations to the City Council, and this week the Los Angeles mayor plans to sign off the recommendations. One of the major changes Packer has confirmed is that the 100 retail will be increased to 200 storefront licenses, in order to double the number of winners from the fall licensing round.
– Marijuana Business Daily Published July 6, 2020, | By John Schroyer, 07/02/2020 5:53:42 PM