Michigan has put in place social equity provisions that are supposed to lower the barrier to entry for recreational cannabis business applicants. However, some cannabis advocates argue the state needs to do more. One commonly cited major hurdle for such provision is the fact Michigan lacks detailed guidance at the state level which causes regulators to rely on municipalities to develop their own regulations. One of the main sticking points in the social equity program has been foot-dragging at the municipal level to not only license adult-use cannabis businesses but to also expand local social equity programs. Furthermore, discounts for licensing based on social equity criteria can total 75% off of application and license fees but, social equity applicants often face problems accessing capital.

– Marijuana Business Daily. July 16th, 2020

Open article:https://mjbizdaily.com/michigan-social-equity-regulations-help-cannabis-applicants-get-started-but-lack-continued-support/