On Sunday, July 19th, cannabis activists in Mexico demanded that the Senate include the legalization of recreational cannabis in the next special session according to the Yucatan Times. In the sit-in, the Mexican Cannabis Movement accused the Senate of possible contempt for the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), which set Dec.15 as the deadline for Congress to legalize marijuana. This week activists are holding a demonstration in front of the Senate, in downtown Mexico City, where they planted 420 marijuana plants of up to 2.5 meters tall. Furthermore, activists are putting pressure on the Senate for a law with four characteristics: free personal or associated cultivation, simple free possession, dignified treatment, and public spaces for safe and regulated consumption.

– Sean Hocking, Cannabis Law Report, 07/21/2020 12:19:23 AM

Open article: https://cannabislaw.report/get-a-move-on-mexican-cannabis-advocates-tell-central-government/