On Tuesday, a federal science agency announced it is launching a national cannabis testing program to help guarantee the products people purchase from retailers and dispensaries are accurately and safely labeled. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) contended that since hemp was federally legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill, there’s an urgent need for consumers to be adequately informed about cannabis products. Also, NIST will be leading a multi-phase project to foster best practices in lab testing. While the Cannabis Quality Assurance (CannaQAP) program will focus on hemp-derived oils like CBD, officials noted it’s possible they will expand the program to test marijuana flowers, concentrates, and edibles.

– Marijuana Moment, July 22, 2020

Open Source: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/feds-launch-cannabis-testing-program-to-help-consumers-know-what-theyre-buying/