The State of Colorado, Earthly Labs, Denver Beer Co., and The Clinic have concluded a pilot program to capture CO2 Waste during the fermentation process, sell and deliver it to The Clinic’s cannabis grow operations and use it to stimulate cannabis plant growth. The program demonstrated a cost-efficient CO2 exchange for breweries and marijuana businesses to reduce CO2 emissions and make better products. According to Zach Engel, The Clinic’s Director of Operations, said, “The Clinic is thrilled to be the first cannabis cultivator in the country to demonstrate the successful ability to purchase natural CO2 from a brewery, grow healthy cannabis plants that sequester CO2.” The pilot program also showcased how small businesses can economically capture their own CO2 using Earthly Labs technology and find a productive use for it.

– gasworld, 07/27/2020 6:57:10 AM

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