Rhode Island legalized medical cannabis in 2006, and it became one of the first states with an official cannabis dispensary system when it introduced its state structured system in 2009. Now, there are 3 cannabis dispensaries in the state, but Rhode Island’s medical marijuana program differed greatly from programs in other states in terms of marijuana testing and research. In the past, Rhode Island had not licensed any laboratories to test for marijuana potency causing growers or dispensaries to test their own products. Finally, the Rhode Island Department of Health (“RIDOH”) has licensed a lab to test the marijuana produced by licensed growers and distributed at dispensaries. The license was awarded to Green Peaks Analytical, which has been testing cannabis products, water, and soil for environmental compliance since 1976.

– CannabisNewsWire, 07/28/2020 4:20:06 AM

Open article: https://www.cannabisnewswire.com/420-with-cnw-rhode-island-licenses-first-lab-to-test-marijuana-potency/