Many cannabis industry insiders spout that cannabis has become one of the most innovative and disruptive markets in the world with rapid growth potential. As a result of more progressive legislation in Europe, investors are now looking at the up and coming cannabidiol (CBD) market. According to CB Insights, in 2019, CBD startups in Europe saw a record level of investment. The analysis reported that 34 innovative companies received a total of $128.5 million. Also, annualized activity suggests funding could continue to rise in 2020, with estimates approaching $150 million. Marissa Schlueter, Senior Intelligence Analyst at CB Insights said “Regulatory relaxation has been the predominant driver of investment and gained momentum in 2019, as Luxembourg became the first European country to announce its intent to legalize cannabis for recreational use. Investors believe a ‘domino effect’ could follow, as seen previously in North America and Asia.” Moreover, a recent report by the Centre for Medical Cannabis assessed that 8-11% of the U.K. have tried and estimated the expected market should total just short of $1.3 billion in 2025. This would be equivalent to the entire U.K. herbal supplement market in 2016.

Rob Meagher, Cannabis Business Executive – Cannabis and Marijuana industry news, 08/18/2020 07:51:42

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