Hemp and Cannabis companies reported early cold temperatures and snow in Colorado may have destroyed millions of dollars worth of outdoor plants. The drop of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit occurred very early in the growing season for farmers to harvest the plants, according to daily agricultural reports. Jon Vaught, CEO of a cannabis biotech firm Front Range Biosciences, said the temperatures below freezing Tuesday and Wednesday combined with snow were “catastrophic for growers.” Nick Drury, director of cultivation at Denver marijuana company Lightshade, said the decreased supply from the outdoor crops is likely to result in less lower-grade competition for indoor growers, while the price for extract materials could increase.

Mmp News Author, Medical Marijuana Program Connection, 09/11/2020 08:14:12

Open article: https://mmpconnect.com/colorado-cold-snap-destroys-millions-of-dollars-worth-of-marijuana-plants-could-disrupt-industry/