On Thursday, a medical cannabis measure qualified to appear on Nebraska’s November ballot was blocked by the state Supreme Court. The sudden reversal is unprecedented when it comes to cannabis-related state ballot measures. The Court heard arguments last week regarding the medical cannabis question, and its ruling is a reversal of Secretary of State Bob Evnen’s decision last month to allow medical cannabis to appear on the ballot. According to Wagner, “the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Constitutional Amendment violates the single-subject rule under Neb. Const. art. III, § 2, because its general subject and various other provisions lack any natural and necessary connection with each other.” On Thursday, The co-chairs of the medical cannabis campaign, state Senators Adam Morfeld and Anna Wishart, issued a statement to supporters, writing: “We are deeply disappointed by the Nebraska Supreme Court’s ruling today.”

Alyson Martin, Cannabis Wire, 09/09/2020 20:00:00

Open article: https://cannabiswire.com/2020/09/10/nebraska-supreme-court-strips-medical-cannabis-from-november-ballot/