Los Angeles might be losing favor for marijuana entrepreneurs. Long considered the largest cannabis market in the world, and with an even larger customer base. On Tuesday L.A. opened its latest marijuana business licensing window. The application process is open to social equity applicants that want delivery permits and to any comer who’s interested in distribution, nonvolatile manufacturing, or testing lab licenses. However, the number of applications filed in the first 24 hours – less than 100, according to the city’s Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR). Several industry insiders cited the lack of enthusiasm for the L.A. market. The L.A. market, despite all its draws, has been plagued by numerous delays, high barriers to entry, and narrow profit margins for those who’ve managed to obtain permits.

Marijuana Business Daily, 10/23/2020 06:30:48

Open article: https://mjbizdaily.com/los-angeles-opens-licensing-round-amid-waning-interest-among-cannabis-entrepreneurs/