Governor Ralph Northam said Monday he plans to propose legislation legalizing marijuana when the General Assembly convenes in January, setting the state on a path to become the first in the South to allow recreational use of the drug. “We are going to move forward with legalizing marijuana in Virginia,” Northam said. “I support that and am committed to doing it the right way.” Northam, a physician who says he’s never used the drug, cautioned “it’s not going to happen overnight,” saying he envisions an 18 to a 24-month timetable for the state to establish and regulate the new marketplace. His administration has been studying the issue and many details remain unresolved, but Northam said he intends to emphasize public health protections and social equity issues as the state moves forward.

Cannabis Business Executive – Cannabis and Marijuana industry news, 11/17/2020 08:44:37

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