A panel of doctors and other health care professionals have recommended increasing the amount of marijuana that can be purchased by participants in New Mexico’s medical cannabis program. But the debate over whether the state has an adequate supply has yet to be settled. The state medical cannabis advisory board voted in favor of nearly doubling the patient purchase limit to 15 ounces over 90 days after hearing from supporters that New Mexico has trailed other states when it comes to the accessibility of medical marijuana. In neighboring Arizona, medical marijuana patients can purchase up to 2.5 ounces every two weeks from state-licensed dispensaries. It will be up to the state’s health secretary to make a final decision on the recommendation. Also, state officials reported Monday that just over 100,000 people now have medical cannabis cards, marking a nearly 30% increase over the past year.

Arizona Marijuana | Info, 11/18/2020 02:05:35

Open article: https://azmarijuana.com/arizona-medical-marijuana-news/new-mexico-may-increase-medical-marijuana-purchase-limit-to-15-ounces/