When it comes to the British Virgin Islands’ economy, cannabis could provide a significant boost. When Premier Andrew Fahie, who also serves as the country’s Minister of Finance, delivered the national budget on November 19, he listed the forthcoming medical cannabis industry as a key source of revenue. Six months ago, the House Assembly for the British Overseas Territory passed legislation to establish the industry, spurring investor interest and enthusiasm among local farmers. But now, the rollout has stalled because there is a missing signature of Governor Augustus Jaspert, who is required to assent to all legislation passed by the House before it can be formally adopted. Until Jaspert approves the legislation, the BVI government cannot move forward on medical cannabis by implementing the Cannabis Licencing Act and amendments to the existing Drug Prevention of Misuse Act. Concerns over the delay were highlighted by BVI House Speaker Julian Willock on November 5.

Clydeen Mcdonald, Cannabis Wire, 11/23/2020 19:00:00

Open article: https://cannabiswire.com/2020/11/24/british-virgin-islands-medical-cannabis-momentum-stalls/