After last-minute disputes forced the Assembly and Senate to cancel Monday votes on landmark bills to halt many arrests for marijuana possession and launch a legal weed industry, a key lawmaker says it will probably be at least another week before any agreements are reached. But Senator Nicholas Scutari, who sponsored the legislation that will guide the marijuana industry, said Monday he hasn’t lost hope that the two chambers can come to an agreement quickly. “I think it was just people taking a break,” he said. “There were enough talks every five seconds for days and days.” Although voters approved legalizing weed on Election Day, lawmakers need to set the market before anybody can actually buy legal weed and to stop police from continuing to arrest people for marijuana possession. They want this all done by Jan. 1, when the constitutional amendment takes effect. However, nothing has passed as lawmakers have haggled for weeks now.

Rob Meagher, Cannabis Business Executive – Cannabis and Marijuana industry news, 11/23/2020 22:14:50

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