Even during tough economic times, marijuana consumers are turning to higher-priced flower products, a signal that cannabis users are increasingly willing to spend more money on such merchandise. The trend could be mirroring the beer and wine sectors, where enthusiasts are turning to higher-priced products as their tastes become more sophisticated. Analysis of pricing data from five Western states provided by Headset, a Seattle-based cannabis analytics firm, show flower products priced at $40 or more has accounted for an increasing percentage of overall flower sales since January 2019. By contrast, the number of units sold at prices below $40 stayed the same or declined. Flower products end up in the high-price bands for one of two reasons: Consumers are buying a larger quantity of the products at any one time. Consumers are purchasing premium or specialty items that have a higher base price.

Marijuana Business Daily, 12/01/2020 06:30:01

Open article: https://mjbizdaily.com/premium-priced-cannabis-products-take-larger-share-of-overall-flower-sales/