Tilray, Inc., a leading company in the manufacture, research, and distribution of medical cannabis, announced it has entered into a co-promotion agreement with Hormosan for its full-spectrum cannabis extracts in Germany effective 1 January 2021. Hormosan is primarily focused on pain therapy and neurology and is part of the Lupin Group, an international entity that sells innovative drugs and generics. Hormosan will support Tilray in its marketing and sales activities of full-spectrum cannabis extract in Germany. Through this strategic partnership, the expertise of both Tilray and Hormosan will be leveraged to expand Tilray’s presence in the German market. Tilray launched its full-spectrum cannabis extracts in October 2017 and last expanded the range in May 2020.

Mmp News Author, Medical Marijuana Program Connection, 12/02/2020 08:45:35

Open article: https://mmpconnect.com/tilray-inc-and-hormosan-sign-a-cooperation-agreement-for-the-promotion-of-medical-cannabis-extracts-in-germany/