On November 25, the Colombian Senate’s constitutional commission voted in favor of a bill that would legalize recreational cannabis use in Colombia. Next, the measure will be put to the Senate at large, and if approved will be sent to the House of Representatives for consideration. The bill “proposes the creation of a Colombian Institute for the Regulation of Cannabis, which would be in charge of regulating the entire process of recreational cannabis, from its cultivation to its distribution and consumption.” While ultimately it would be up to the regulator to determine if cannabis imports are allowed, the proposed statutory language envisions that possibility. Specifically, Article 22(3) stipulates that the packaging of imported products must include the country of origin and the phrase importado para Colombia.

Fred Rocafort, Canna Law Blog – Harris Bricken, 12/05/2020 10:15:00

Open article: https://harrisbricken.com/cannalawblog/colombia-cannabis-colombia-tries-again/