Khiron Life Sciences announced Thursday it successfully completed the first export from Colombia of high THC medical cannabis products. The company expects the first prescriptions of the products in Peru to be filled in December through a partnership with pharmacy chain Farmacia Universal, it said in a press release. Farmacia Universal has been selling Khiron’s CBD products since September as magistral preparations, Khiron CEO Alvaro Torres told Marijuana Business Daily that the volume exported should be enough for about 7,000 units of the THC products at a retail level, emphasizing that this was export for commercial purposes. CBD has been available under prescription in Peru since December 2019. Several companies are now offering different products. However, currently, there are no medical products with meaningful quantities of THC available. GW Pharmaceuticals’ Sativex was registered in Peru last December as a finished medicine with proven quality, safety, and efficacy through clinical trials.

Marijuana Business Daily, 12/10/2020 14:03:00

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