On Wednesday, the governor of Virginia unveiled a budget proposal that “lays the groundwork to legalize marijuana” by including millions of dollars to support efforts to expunge cannabis convictions as well as steps to set up the state to eventually implement a system of commercial sales. Governor Ralph Northam campaigned on merely decriminalizing possession, but he publicly backed broader legalization of marijuana for adult use last month. Now, he’s making clear his intent to get a legalization bill passed in 2021 with his fiscal proposal. It calls for $5 million to fund expungement efforts in the fiscal year 2021 and another $20 million in 2022. That includes “automatic expungement of misdemeanor marijuana convictions,” according to a summary.

Marijuana Moment, 12/17/2020 

Open article: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/virginia-governors-budget-funds-marijuana-expungements-and-preparation-for-legalization/