by InfluencER | Mar 17, 2021 | Sales and Operations
The tide has changed for cannabis in the U.S., and the beverage alcohol industry is noticing—and increasingly, getting in on the game. Cannabis sales in the U.S. are expected to reach $16.2 billion in 2021, with cannabis beverage sales comprising $1 billion of that,...
by InfluencER | Mar 17, 2021 | Politics and Law
Currently, cannabis clubs in Basque country are challenging authorities over their right to operate during the Pandemic. Meanwhile, Barcelona clubs are leading their own similar challenge. These two regions are the Spanish states which have the most cannabis clubs. To...
by InfluencER | Mar 16, 2021 | Politics and Law
Marijuana reform advocates are seeing a number of positive signals in the push to legalize marijuana in New York—with the governor saying a deal is “very close” and a new resolution from the Senate saying that a legalization bill “shall be passed outside of the budget...
by InfluencER | Mar 16, 2021 | Politics and Law
A bill to legalize marijuana in North Dakota that passed the House last month received its first hearing in a Senate committee on Monday, with debate centering mostly on who should shape the policy change that most observers increasingly see as inevitable: the...
by InfluencER | Mar 16, 2021 | Politics and Law
State legislators are at a stalemate regarding popular efforts to legalize marijuana in New Mexico with less than a week remaining to send a bill to the governor. A state Senate panel pulled cannabis discussions off its agenda minutes before a Sunday hearing....