A clinical trial was conducted by researchers from the University of California-Irvine in collaboration with UC San Francisco have found that marijuana has the potential to be used as a treatment for chronic pain in patients suffering from sickle cell disease. The trials discoveries were reported in JAMA Network Open. Prof. Kalpna Gupta, who is a member of the Irvine institution’s Center for the Study of Cannabis as well as being an Irvine researcher, states that the trail led them to the discovery that vaporized marijuana is generally safe, suggesting that patients suffering from sickle cell anemia may alleviate their pain using marijuana, which may also be used to address the opioid crisis. Gupta, who has specialized in medicine, adds that larger studies that have more participants may present researchers with a better view of how marijuana can help individuals suffering from chronic pain.

CannabisNewsWire, 06/29/2021 04:20:00

Open article: https://www.cannabisnewswire.com/420-with-cnw-researchers-find-marijuana-may-be-used-to-alleviate-pain-caused-by-sickle-cell/