A GOP congressman released videos on Wednesday showing him teaming up with local California police to bulldoze illegal marijuana grow sites—flexing his muscles, deploying cheesy quotes, and grinning throughout the volunteer task. The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office had asked for help eradicating the unregulated cannabis greenhouses back in May, and Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) was among those to quickly raise their hand. Videos released by his office show a self-satisfied congressman climbing into a bulldozer and helping to bring down a large white canopy where the marijuana was being grown. “I love the smell of diesel power in the afternoon. It smells like victory,” LaMalfa said in one clip, an homage to a classic line in the 1979 war film “Apocalypse Now.” The congressman, who has consistently opposed marijuana reform legislation in Congress, said he participated in the eradication effort to highlight the environmental consequences of illicit grow operations, organized crime, and the labor issues associated with the sites.

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 07/22/2021 11:17:00

Open article: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/gop-congressman-bulldozes-marijuana-grow-sites-along-with-police/