Wyoming activists have cleared another hurdle toward getting a pair of marijuana initiatives before voters on the 2022 ballot. Advocates needed to turn in at least 100 valid signatures per measure to the secretary of state’s office to formally get the process started on their proposals to decriminalize cannabis and legalize medical marijuana, and they turned in more than double that amount. This week, the office confirmed that the campaign had met the requirement and cleared them for broad signature-gathering once the attorney general’s office approves summary language and petition packets. The initiatives are being backed by the national Libertarian Party, as well as Wyoming NORML. The effort launched after state lawmakers advanced—but failed to pass—a bill to legalize marijuana this session.

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 08/12/2021 15:44:00

Open article: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/wyoming-officials-clear-2022-marijuana-ballot-initiatives-for-signature-gathering/