Wyoming’s attorney general on Monday issued ballot summaries for proposed initiatives to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize cannabis possession. Activists are now officially set for signature collection to qualify. Earlier this month, advocates turned in the requisite 100 initial sponsorship signatures for each measure to the secretary of state. That office then verified them, and the initiatives were submitted to the attorney general for summary language and petition packets. Now the campaign, which is being backed by the national Libertarian Party and Wyoming NORML, will turn its attention to gathering 41,776 valid signatures from registered voters per measure to qualify for the ballot. To make the November 2022 ballot, they must turn in enough signatures by February of next year. Otherwise, they will have until January 2023 to qualify for a subsequent election. For the medical proposal, patients would be able to purchase and possess up to four ounces of flower and 20 grams of “medical marijuana-derived products” in a 30-day period. People with any of more than a dozen qualifying conditions—including cancer, glaucoma, HIV, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia—would also be able to cultivate up to eight mature plants for personal use. The Department of Revenue’s Liquor Division would be responsible for licensing marijuana businesses. The division would be required to promulgate rules by July 1, 2023.

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 08/18/2021 12:01:00

Open article: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/wyoming-attorney-general-issues-ballot-summaries-for-marijuana-initiatives/