There’s no doubt that Big Tobacco will have a seat at the table when it comes to the recreational cannabis market. But how much of the market share will Big Tobacco own? The legalization of cannabis is probably more a matter of “when” than “if” at this point, and industries and consumers alike are more than ready for it. Among the many parties who would benefit from widespread legalization of recreational cannabis sale and use, not many more would stand to gain more than the major players within the Big Tobacco industry. There are numerous reasons why that’s the case. Here are just a few. It’s no secret that smoking isn’t as popular as it once was. In fact, some younger people may not even believe it if you told them that smoking used to be acceptable in places like elevators and airplanes. Research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that smoking in the U.S. decreased from 20.9% to 14% from 2005 to 2019. There is also no shortage of reasons for the nationwide decrease in smokers. From health problems like emphysema and heart disease to the fact that smoking has been banned in most public places like bars and restaurants, it’s not surprising that smoking isn’t as popular as it once was among Americans.
420 Intel – Marijuana Industry News, 10/28/2021 20:00:00