federal cannabis reform has been a roller coaster ride over the past several years, with the introduction of several bills raising hopes for legislative support, especially with a change in the White House seeming to create a more cannabis-friendly atmosphere. But 2021 didn’t bring the much-anticipated change, and many companies operating in the space, including American Cannabis Partners (“ACP”), are looking for this year to be different.  “Hope soared with the possibility of federal cannabis reform in 2021,” reported a Feb. 11 “National Law Review” (“NLR”) article (https://cnw.fm/EtHJh). “But, as 2021 continued on, optimism dwindled as any advancement in federal cannabis reform was hobbled by the inability of Congress to agree on the appropriate level of reform and the proper mechanics for passage.   “Specifically, tension rose amongst the elected Democrats on whether to support incremental reform (like access to banks or removal of cannabis from the list of Schedule 1 drugs) or comprehensive legalization with provisions to address social inequities stemming from the legacy of the War on Drugs,” the article continued. “And so 2021 came to an end, and the cannabis industry saw yet another year of failed meaningful change on the federal level.”

CannabisNewsWire, 02/22/2022 09:45:00

Open article: https://www.cannabisnewswire.com/american-cannabis-partners-eyeing-federal-landscape-as-2022-looms-large-for-cannabis-legislation/