Two decades after legalizing medical cannabis access, Maine lawmakers continue to work to perfect their program. Representative Lynn Williams (D- HD 135) says, “Support for the issues around Maine’s medical marijuana program crosses many lines: Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and Greens; Downeast, Southern and Northern Maine; rural and urban; twenty-somethings, retirees and all in-between. Medical marijuana is bringing Maine together even among those who have no involvement with it.” Rep. Williams is the author of LD 1928, which streamlines the state’s medical access program and further limits the actions that law enforcement can take against registered medical card-holders, among other actions. The measure also expands patients’ access to cannabis by allowing them to utilize telehealth plans and by authorizing registered caregivers to provide plants to qualified patients. In its most recent work session, LD 1928 was voted Ought to Pass (OTP) by members of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee with strong bipartisan support. If you are a Mainer, send a message to the committee members thanking them for supporting cannabis legislation.

NORML, 03/29/2022 20:00:00

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