Rowan University in New Jersey now offers an MBA in Cannabis Commercialization with courses ranging from Cannabis Legislation, Regulations, and Policy to Advanced Chemical Analysis of Cannabinoids. New Jersey’s Rowan University is offering a Master of Business Administration in Cannabis Commercialization, which allows MBA students to select nine credits to satisfy the requirements. Two required courses include Evolution of the Cannabis Industry and Business Model Innovation in Cannabis. Rowan University, Cannabis Commercialization Concentration Coursework In addition to the required courses, students have four cannabis-focused electives to choose from, including Cannabis Legislation, Regulations, and Policy; Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization in Work, Leisure, and Settings; Cannabis Research, Program Evaluation, and Policy Development; and Advanced Chemical Analysis of Cannabinoids. The program also includes another 14 complimentary elective coursework, ranging from Community Justice to Capital Budgeting, to Strategic Planning for Operating Managers.

Cannabis Law Report, 04/11/2022 23:08:00

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