The global supply chain was massively disturbed when the pandemic hit at the start of 2020, and the sanctions that have been imposed following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this year are impacting the cannabis industry down to its roots. As the cost of fertilizer continues to skyrocket with no end in sight, cultivators, brands, and dispensaries can either feel the financial pain or seek innovative solutions to protect their margins. Advertisement The Industry Scrambles to Adjust as Fertilizer Prices Continue to Skyrocket Every supply chain has its starting point, and for cannabis products in all categories, everything begins at the cultivation facility. Whether your products or inputs are grown indoors, outdoors, or through some type of hybrid alternative, fertilizer is still an essential component in growing high-quality cannabis on a commercial scale — and it’s in short supply. “Fertilizer boosts flower production, increases yield, and helps protect the plant from disease,” said Alen Nguyen, CEO and co-founder of the procurement platform MainStem. “The big three primary nutrients that cannabis plants need in large quantities are NPK, short for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. NPK is the building block of any cannabis fertilizer with important secondary nutrients including sulfur, calcium, and magnesium.”

mg Magazine – Cannabis News & Information, 05/19/2022 04:15:00

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