Legalizing cannabis has created a land rush. The first step in any new cannabis market, or towards any commercial activity in cannabis, always begins with the question of where – the real estate. Finding a suitable property is probably the most difficult piece of putting a business together in this industry. Locating such properties has created a whole new niche market for lawyers, consultants, and real estate brokers in aiding the marijuana industry’s entrepreneurs as they locate a properly zoned location. In addition. cannabis industry businesses require a great deal of real estate for uses such as cultivation sites, retail outlets, testing laboratories, extraction facilities, storage facilities, and kitchens. These varied real estate needs carry with them a morass of state and local regulations, and navigation requires professional assistance. Robert T. Hoban Member While traditional real estate principles tend to govern, these issues are uniquely twisted to adapt to the cannabis industry, or in many case, where the cannabis industry has to adapt to these fundamental items.

Cannabis Law Report, 05/24/2022 19:45:00

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