The regulation published by the authorities in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) gives the green light to medical research on cannabis products, which have to be developed under the protocols created for pharmaceuticals. Beyond the registration of patents for cannabis medicines, industry experts believe that companies will face challenges in medical research, linked to these protocols. Applications for patents for cannabis-based products have increased rapidly in Mexico since the medicinal use of the plant was approved in 2016. However, new regulations passed in January of this year have put a handbrake on the unburdening of patents, delaying the launch of new products. The regulation, which the Ministry of Health and the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) published on January 12, deals with aspects related to the regulation, control, promotion, and health surveillance of cannabis as raw material, its pharmacological derivatives, and medicines. So far, the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) has about 92 processes for the registration of patents with the word cannabis, related to treatments.
Sean Hocking, Cannabis Law Report, 05/28/2021 03:31:00