Cannabis possession or consumption could not be used at the sole basis for denying people access to public housing under a pair of amendments to spending legislation that a congresswoman’s office shared with Marijuana Moment. The full House of Representatives could vote on one or both of the measures next week. One of the proposals introduced by Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) would block the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) from using its funds to enforce an ongoing cannabis prohibition to evict residents of federally assisted housing if they live in a state where it is legal for recreational purposes. The congresswoman’s second amendment would only apply to medical cannabis. The goal of the amendments is consistent with standalone legislation the congresswoman has filed this session. “Individuals should not be denied admission to or fear eviction from federally-assisted housing simply for treating their medical conditions or using a substance legal under state law,” Norton told Marijuana Moment on Tuesday. “Increasingly, Americans are changing their views on marijuana. Congress needs to catch up.”

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 07/20/2021 14:13:00

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