California officials are now accepting concept proposals for a program aimed at helping small marijuana cultivators with environmental clean-up and restoration efforts—and they will be holding a workshop this week to guide people through the application process. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Cannabis Restoration Grant Program was first announced earlier this year, and applications opened last week. The $6 million in potential funding—which comes from marijuana tax revenue that the state has generated from legalization—must go to government agencies, California nonprofits, or Native American tribes who would then work with the growers on the remediation efforts. Thursday’s online workshop “is designed to review the priorities of this new funding opportunity and help entities of all sizes with the submission process,” the department said in a notice. Funds “may be used to fund the cleanup, remediation, and restoration of environmental damage in watersheds affected by cannabis cultivation and related activities, and to support local partnerships for this purpose.”

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 10/20/2021 13:35:00

Open article: