Delaware Public Radio Reports New Equity Provisions In Cannabis Legislation May Get It Through The House DPR report.. A new recreational marijuana bill is introduced by state lawmakers. Every year state lawmakers seem to get closer and closer to legalizing recreational marijuana. And a new bill filed last week features changes meant to make the bill’s journey through Leg Hall smoother. Zoë Patchell is the director of the Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network. Patchell says this is the strongest iteration of the bill she’s seen yet. “So we’re really thankful that this thoughtful piece of legislation not only just legalizes cannabis, but it also begins to address the harms caused by prohibition and right those wrongs,” said Patchell. The bill’s sponsor State Rep. Ed Osienski removed a fund that would help social equity applicants with setting up a business — with it, the votes required would be too difficult to whip up. Instead, a portion of all tax revenue generated by marijuana sales will go towards the Justice Reinvestment Fund, which will work to address cannabis prohibition’s effects on many of Delaware’s communities. Patchell says it’s a great addition.

Cannabis Law Report, 01/18/2022 20:12:00

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