A new political action committee aimed at electing and educating officials with the aim of ending federal marijuana prohibition launched on Tuesday—with a veteran cannabis lobbyist at its helm. The Better Organizing to Win Legalization (BOWL) PAC—pun totally intended—is working to build a coalition of other organizations to develop a more targeted approach to legalization in Congress. Some of the ways it hopes to achieve that is by supporting candidates and elected officials who will fight for reform, defeating those who continue to serve as roadblocks and encouraging groups that ostensibly back legalization to be more proactive in the fight. BOWL PAC is being led by Justin Strekal, who recently departed NORML as its political director after five years of working on Capitol Hill to change federal cannabis laws. He told Marijuana Moment in a phone interview on Monday that his unique experience both in the cannabis lobbying space, as well as his involvement in other progressive causes, will set the group up for success.

Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 02/08/2022 11:32:00

Open article: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/veteran-marijuana-lobbyist-launches-new-bowl-pac-to-fight-for-legalization-and-elect-pro-reform-politicians/