States that have legalized marijuana for adult use collectively generated more than $3.7 billion in tax revenue from recreational cannabis sales in 2021, a report from the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) that was released on Wednesday found. That’s a 34 percent increase compared to the revenue that states received from cannabis sales in 2020. The report follows up on an analysis MPP put out in January that looked at the total adult-use cannabis tax revenue collected by all legal states since recreational sales started in Colorado and Washington State in 2014. At the time, the 2021 figures were incomplete but still showed that states received more than $10 billion in tax dollars from recreational marijuana sales over the past seven years. Now that the data is updated for 2021, the organization says the 2014-2022 total as of March is $11.2 billion. Toi Hutchinson, president and CEO of MPP, said that the report provides “further evidence that ending cannabis prohibition offers tremendous financial benefits for state governments.”
Kyle Jaeger, Marijuana Moment, 04/06/2022 11:10:00