Social impact investing is about making ethical investments that, aside from bringing a return on cash invested, have the added effect of improving social conditions, infrastructure, or quality of life. As Colorado and other states move forward with their legalization experiments, marijuana stocks had boomed in 2013-2014, as are stocks linked and related in any way to the marijuana industry. Impact investors are interested in investing in cannabis and the benefits marijuana provides to society on a health and environmental level, and we believe will start to or continue to direct much investment capital into the production and distribution of marijuana. //” width=”600 How would the legalization of marijuana benefit the American people and the economy? Industry analysts believe there will be a creation of a new and highly profitable agricultural industry, increased trade opportunities, an increase in the gross national product (GNP), improved environmental conditions, new tax resources, and reduced costs with respect to the enforcement of current laws. With all eyes on the industrial hemp and medical marijuana industry, coupled with the benefits of legalization, savvy social bonds investors are beginning to invest heavily.
Hemp Land, Cannabis Hemp Blog, 04/11/2022 04:06:00