The subject of delta-8 and the cannabinoids market is an extremely controversial one, and different groups have their own take on the legality of the situation. Individual states have been instituting their own policies to allow or ban the substances; and such is the current case with Virginia, which is trying to ban delta-8 THC through a last-minute add-on to a bill. An edit to a Virginia bill by the governor would redefine THC, and illegalize the sale of delta-8 and other cannabinoids outside of dispensaries. Will the edits be nixed? We’ll find out later this month! We’re all about covering the quickly expanding world of cannabis. Keep up by subscribing to the THC Weekly Newsletter, and get your daily dose of industry news, along with access to deals on products like vapes, edibles, other paraphernalia, and cannabinoid compounds, also. Just remember, *cannabinoid products aren’t for everyone, and no one should use a product they are uncomfortable with! What’s the news? As states legalize cannabis, they are able to institute their own regulations, and these regulations don’t have to be consistent among states, or the federal government (which still holds it all as illegal).
Sarah Friedman, CBD Testers, 04/23/2022 20:00:00
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