by InfluencER | Jan 19, 2022 | Politics and Law
The decriminalization and legalization of marijuana in Kentucky will improve the state’s criminal justice system, Kentucky Rep. Nima Kulkarni said. The lawmaker gathered with other proponents of the initiative Monday to push for action on the issue during this...
by InfluencER | Jan 19, 2022 | Politics and Law
Delaware Public Radio Reports New Equity Provisions In Cannabis Legislation May Get It Through The House DPR report.. A new recreational marijuana bill is introduced by state lawmakers. Every year state lawmakers seem to get closer and closer to legalizing...
by InfluencER | Jan 18, 2022 | Politics and Law
A House-passed bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kansas seems to be in jeopardy, with GOP Senate leadership moving the legislation out of a committee and into a different panel where it may sit in legislative limbo, resulting in the cancellation of hearings that...
by InfluencER | Jan 18, 2022 | Politics and Law
New York state has been in a strange state of legal limbo since cannabis was legalized there last spring. Criminal penalties for simple possession have been lifted, and those for home cultivation within permitted limits are set to be removed by the end of summer 2022....
by InfluencER | Jan 18, 2022 | Politics and Law
Marijuana Moment reports The governor of South Dakota wants marijuana activists behind a 2020 legalization initiative that her administration overturned with a court challenge to pay the legal fees, rather than have taxpayers foot the bill for her fight to invalidate...
by InfluencER | Jan 18, 2022 | Politics and Law
Minister of Health Khairy Jamaluddin says the government will review the Dangerous Drugs Act and the Poisons Act to regulate the medical use of marijuana and ketum. The government will review the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 and the Poisons Act 1952 to regulate cannabis...